

Vintage 1964 U.K. J.M.I. VOX AC30/6 Twin TB integral Copper panel

This is my favorite amp!

It is very very rare Top Boost integral "6 inputs Copper panel"  early version and same type of AC30 Twin was very scarce production.
Chassis made by Westrex.

Following is characteristic original parts of old J.M.I. VOX amps,

Air Ventilate Trim:  J.M.I. VOX - injection-molded metal with Italic "VOX" logo.
Carrying Handles:  J.M.I. VOX - injection-molded P.V.C.with Italic "VOX" logo.
Control Knobs: BULGIN.
Corner Caps: J.M.I. VOX - injection-molded Plastic with small "VOX" logo.
Input Jacks: RENDAR Inst. Ltd.
PT: ALBION Type OH114.
OT: ALBION Type OH083.
CC: ALBION Type PE241.
Filter Caps: TCC.
Caps: HUNTS, TCC, TCB, WIMA(West Germany).
Vacum Tube Socjet: McMURD.
Vacum Tubes: MULLARD.
Speakers: Celestion G12 AlNiCo(T530) VOX Blue with Pulsonic Cone.

However, all worn old electrolytic capacitors were replaced F & T capacitors in recent.

The sounds still amazing!

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